Yay!!! we are now 26 weeks pregnant. We will have our 3D ultrasound next week. Excited to see our babies face. I have been on this roller coaster called hormones.
But I wanted to touch base on friendship.
For me, I find it harder to make friends when your older. Plus if your a stay at home Mom and a home body like myself, that makes it more difficult. I don't pick my friends lightly anymore, due to having a family. It's my job to protect them. I am so grateful for the friends I have. They are the truest friends I will ever have. I love them with all my heart. I just wish they didn't move away!!! But I know who I am as a person. I am a great friend to have. I would do anything for my family/friends if they needed. I have tried over the years to connect with some Mom's at Miranda's school..... but when did it get so hard???? It's like this BIG project to say.... yea, we can hang out for a while. I miss the days when my girl friend Lisa would just drop by. It was easy then.... Now it's like what day works for you??? I always find myself doing all the calling or trying. It makes me feel like they don't have time. I do realize that not everyone is in my shoes. I moved to Orlando and had Lisa and Dawn as my best friends. I have friends that live other places, but they were the only ones in Orlando. Now they've been gone for a while and I'm still struggling. It makes me really sad to know there is someone SO close to me and our kids play great and we had good times at one point, I thought. Now we no longer speak. I feel like that is such a missed opportunity of friendship. It's a loss all the way around, for her, me, ours husbands and the kids. But what can you do?? Sometimes things like that happen.
But if we want to be truthful? How many real friends do you have?? I bet you can count them on one hand. They are hard to come by... I'm just grateful for the ones I do have...... :o)
Now move your butts back to Orlando!!!!!!!