Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Having some fun before bed time

Here we are as always, being silly and having some fun in the kitchen.
Miranda had a really great 1st day at school. We had a great nap too, when she got home. :o)

Hope you have enjoyed.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weather, Park, Preschool, Potty LOL

We also had to go to open house today. Miranda got to see her new class, see friends, and play for a while. She starts school tomorrow!!!

OMG, I had to show you the smallest potty ever!!! They re-did the bathrooms at her preschool and this potty is smaller than the ones for kids at the mall. It was so funny when I saw it. It really was a hot topic at open house. LOL

Sunday, August 24, 2008

OMG I'm Blogging!!!

Hello Everyone,
I have a few friends that blog and I thought it is a really nice way for family and friends from a far to sneak a peek into our lives. So keep on checking us out from time to time.

Miranda is growing up so fast!! She is starting school on Tuesday. This year she will be going three days a week.

Summer was fun we baked and baked and baked. We went in the pool daily, hung out with friends. Now it's time to get busy again with school and losing more weight he he he. :o)
So keep in touch. Because, isn't that the point.