So we took a vacation mainly to see friends and family and to go to Tony's cousin wedding. So, we packed up and headed to our friends Lee and Lisa's house in VA. That was our 1st stop. We stayed with them for two days. Talk about good times. Man I miss them dearly. :o(
Here is Alanna, Miranda and Brandon being pulled by Lee. LOL

This is Lee's horse!!!

All the kids had so much fun. This is the 1st night we were there. They got to have a sleep over!! Tony and I were so proud of Miranda, b/c she slept up stairs and Tony and I were in the basement. So if she woke we were 2 floors down. But she did great!! Never woke up.

So we left VA, and headed for NJ. We stayed with Tony's parents for four days. This is Miranda with her cousin Aiden. They were so cute!!!

Here they are making cookies with titi Tammy!!!
We also got to hang with Tony and Tammy for a night at their house. Party!!! LOL

If you ever have a chance, you should go to Bushkill Falls. It is in PA. We took a day trip there while we were still in NJ. OMG!!!! SSSOOOO Beautiful!!! Waterfalls, Nature, Trees, everything I love!!!! Here are some pic's of the place.
Me and my girl!!!

Tony and Miranda

Daddy are we lost??

I loved this place!!

I had to jump to get on this rock.
You can't tell from the pic.

A waterfall

Tony and Miranda by the river.

I like this pic!!

All of us setting on cut out tree's made into chairs.

Here is my sister-in-law Tammy.
I had so much fun with her!!!
Love you!!

Our next stop was PA, for Tracie's and Shane's wedding. We stayed in a great hotel for two nights. Here is Tracie's and her bridesmaids and lets not forget the flower girl's. Tracie was so beautiful!!!! The wedding was really fun!!! We had a great time!!! So glad we could be a part of her and Shane's special day.

Hello cutie!!!

Daddy and Miranda dancing at the wedding.

More dancing.
So cute!!!

King of the castle!!!

On our way home we stop again to see Lee and Lisa in VA.
We just missed them so much we had to. LOL
We had such a great vacation!!! We can't thank everyone enough!!! Thank you so much for having us!! We love you!!!