17 weeks now.
This picture was taken after thanksgiving dinner. LOL
But I am starting to pop now.
Tonys mom and dad came down for thanksgiving, it was really nice.
Thanksgiving dinner was great!!!!! I am feeling the baby move every
day now. I love it!!!!
I'm sure I've said this before, but we find out on Dec. 8th if it's a boy or a girl. So excited!!!!!!!!
Hoping it's a boy so we can be done, if it's a girl were not sure if were done or not. lol

LOL, Here is Tony in my prego pants!!!!
He is ready to eat!!!

Every year I like to bake something for our neighbors, so this year I baked Peach cobbler, and brownies also brought them some coffee Via. We loaded up Miranda's stroller and off we went. As we walked I talked to Miranda about selfless giving, and how important it is to do so when you can in life. She said I give!!! I gave Garrtte and Maddox a sticker last week. lol I thought that was funny. I am blessed to have great people live around us. I also brought a plate of thanksgiving dinner to the lady next door. She lives there all alone. It brought a warm feeling to my heart. I bring her dinner every thanksgiving and christmas. She was so happy. :o)

Thanksgiving dinner

Grandma, Grandpa and Tony