We all had a great Easter!!!
Got to see family, swim, have an egg hunt, eat a great dinner, candy. lol
It was a nice day!!!
Here is my sister Beth, her husband Trevor and their son Zak and my Mom and Dad.
So happy we were all together.

I thought it would be fun to have Miranda paint my belly.
Here is the egg we are waiting on...
She had lots of fun doing this.
Here is her bunny, star, green sun and eggs.
Me and my girl.

Artist at her work!!!

So pretty!!!

I love this picture!!!
She is getting so big!!!

Coloring her egg's!!!

Happy girl!!!!

Grandma and Miranda.
So cute!!!!

Papa, Grandma, and Miranda.

My Mom, me and Miranda.

Mommy and Miranda and brother!!!!

So cute!!

Love it!!!

Her Easter Basket!!!

Beautiful girl!!!!!

I love this picture too!!!

Egg hunt!!!!!

Zak and Miranda!!!!