Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What we are up to this summer

My mom came for a visit.
We are so happy she is here.
It's nice to have family close by now.
Miranda is having so much fun with her.
She loves her so much.
I always wanted music to be a part of my child's life, so we got Miranda a piano for her up coming b-day, she will be four.
I will also brush up on what I know.
Here is a beaded cross I'm still working on.
We will be selling them in the gift shop I work at.
I will post the final product when it is done.
Having some fun!!!

Here is Miranda at her swim class.
She is doing really well.
This is her 1st year taking them.
Hope you all are having a great summer!!!
I have also been really busy with my craft job.
Thank you God for all the blessing!!!!!!

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