So I am sad to say my dear friend Carma pasted on Feb. 3rd due to cancer. I will always miss her. She was more than a friend to me she was like a mother. I know she touched so many peoples lives. She never placed judgment on anyone. She was always a loving friend. I felt as if I always could say anything to her, and that kind of friendship will be truly missed. I will miss her so much!!! I love you Carma!!! I still hear our talks and your laugh and always will!!!!

My Mom and Carma.

Miranda and Carma

It has been a long time that all the family were together so we wanted to take some pictures.
So here is me and my brother Billy!!!

The Mitchum family

we were not ready

more pic's

Brother and sisters
It was really nice to see everyone!!!
Love you!!!
Rest In Peace Carma!!!