Holy!!!! I can't believe we are 29 weeks now!!! Next week we will be 30!!! OMG!!! Time is flying. I feel like I'm updating this blog every other day. LOL I am so happy Tony and I are going out on a much needed date tonight. It's been a long time!!!! Thanks to some great people we know, Miss Anne and Pete!! Miranda loves them so much!!! And we are very thankful to have them!! So... I got my tomato plants today. Excited for the warm weather!! Miranda keeps asking over and over, when can we go in the pool? She loves to swim!!!! Time to get some new pool toys!! I'm gaining more weight than I would like... :o( But I guess this is the time to do it if your gonna. The doctor said I should start to walk 20 mint's a day. Boo on him!!! He is right though... OK, got to run.. Till next week..

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